Trauma Informed Training for First Responders, Confidential Resources, and Campus Security

Event Details

Kathryn Nash and Stephen Vaughan to Present Training Online

This training has already occurred.  To purchase it ON-DEMAND, please click here

Under Minnesota law, higher education institutions are legally required to provide specialized, state-specific training to confidential resources, first responders, and campus security personnel.   And those responsible for responding to reports of sexual assault must receive annual training.  Given these legal obligations, the heightened focus on enforcement of Title IX, and the increasing complexity of sexual misconduct matters, it is more important than ever that your key personnel are well-trained and that they understand how trauma impacts victims of sexual assault.

Join us for a two-hour training specifically designed for confidential resources, first responders, and campus security personnel.  The benefits of our training extend beyond simply satisfying your institution’s training requirements.  Our training is conducted by Higher Education attorneys who regularly advise institutions on all aspects of the sexual misconduct process, from policy drafting through the final resolution of sexual misconduct matters.  Because these attorneys also have extensive experience investigating and adjudicating sexual misconduct cases for institutions, this training incorporates first-hand, real world experience and provides practical guidance on navigating the complex issues related to sexual misconduct matters.

Topics Include:

  • Overview of Title IX, VAWA, Clery Act, and FERPA
  • Preventing, responding to, and investigating sexual assaults
  • The Neurobiology of trauma and responses to trauma
  • Creating a Culture of Understanding and Prevention
  • Other legally required topics under Minnesota’s new campus sexual assault law


Individual: $150.00
Groups of up to 10: $395.00
Groups of up to 50: $795.00
Groups larger than 50: Contact us