Train the Trainer: Title IX/VAWA Training for Coaches and Athletic Directors

Event Details

Kathryn Nash and Stephen Vaughan to Present Training at Gray Plant Mooty.

This training has already occurred.  To purchase it ON-DEMAND, please click here

The athletic department plays an important role in an institution’s efforts to comply with its Title IX obligations, and that role extends beyond providing equity in athletics programs.   Athletic directors and coaches, in particular, are uniquely positioned because of their responsibilities within their institutions and their close relationships with student athletes.   These unique relationships provide an opportunity for athletic directors and coaches to effect change on their campuses by transforming the locker-room culture into a culture of awareness and prevention amongst their players.  In turn, student athletes have the ability to use their  profiles on campus to impact other campus leadership and the broader campus community.

Join us for a 60 minute training designed to give practical guidance to Title IX Coordinators, Deputy Coordinators, Athletic Directors, and Coaches on training student athletes on important topics, including sexual misconduct policies, understanding consent, the importance of bystander intervention, and the role of drugs and alcohol and other risk factors in sexual misconduct cases.  In addition, the training will include practical suggestions on how to engage your athletes in building an awareness and prevention campaign  to influence positive cultural changes campus-wide.