NACUA CLE Conference
Kathryn Nash and Carl Crosby Lehmann to Represent trainED at the NACUA January CLE Workshop
This event occurred January 22-23
Four years have now passed since the U.S. Department of Education Office for Civil Rights’ (“OCR”) April 4, 2011 “Dear Colleague” Letter brought national attention to the issue of sexual violence on campus. The topic continues to be a key concern and challenge for colleges and universities now trying to meet additional expectations imposed by further OCR guidance, Campus SaVE and the White House. This one-and-a-half day CLE workshop will address a wide range of issues related to sexual misconduct on campus with sessions ranging from issues of prevention and compliance to those of response and external proceedings.
Recognizing that some attendees will be new to the challenges of sexual misconduct while others will have vast existing knowledge, the workshop will offer two tracks: basic and advanced. In the basic track, sessions will focus on the central building blocks of an effective sexual misconduct approach on campus — from building your campus dream team to the fundamentals of sexual misconduct investigations and litigation. Participants in the advanced track will delve into complex issues including privacy considerations, dating violence and domestic violence and the intersection of Title IX and Title VII.