Drafting Effective and Compliant Investigation Reports

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Compliant and well-drafted investigation reports are an important component in higher education institutions’ efforts to end sexual harassment, prevent its recurrence, and address its effects. VAWA requires institutions, in sexual misconduct proceedings involving sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, to provide all parties access to all information considered by a decision-maker in any informal or formal proceedings. Many institutions choose to satisfy this obligation by providing each decision-maker with the investigation report and providing the parties and their advisors access to it. Beyond complying with VAWA, the purpose of the investigation report should be to convey all of the pertinent and appropriate information necessary for the decision-maker to make a reasoned and informed decision. As part of the process, institutions also have to confront challenging issues and ensure that improper information is not included in their reports. Because of the importance of this documentation to the adjudication process, and the need to make it available to parties and their advisors in cases of sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence, and stalking, it is essential that investigation reports be thorough and effective. Investigation reports are also frequently used by institutions for other Title IX sexual harassment or discrimination matters that do not involve sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking.

Join us for a 90 minute training on best practices for drafting investigation reports. Participants will leave this training with a road map on how to successfully draft their next investigation report.

The training covers:

• The purpose of an investigation report.

• Elements to include in a report.

• Important considerations to make when drafting a report.